My screenplay - The Vampyre (prequel to Dante and Lizzie and Highgate Post Mortem) was Officially Selected for The New York Script Awards.

New York Script Awards Official SelectionAnd I am looking for coproduction and finance fot this and 5-6 other epic features 2-3 TV/ HETV pilots and series and short films.

My screenplay The Other Mothers WINNER in The Best Script Awards Best War Screenplay. Best Script Awards London - Winners

UPDATE December 2022 to February 2023 I will belatedly post pictures from The Vienna International Film Awards Red Carpet Awards Show when I can get my phone to synch and have time.

But I have finished a first draft of Angevin and Infernal Blood (features) and both await certification / Letters of Comfort from the BFI - along with a number of other projects. I am currently working on writing Szopen / Chopin.

And looking for funding and producing / looking for coproducers and distribution on a number pf projects. I am also adapting Infernal Blood to a picture book, trying to get my memoir the best home, and writing and publishing poetry and theatre / adapting screenplays to theatre. Feel free to contact me to collaborate or invest or coproduce.

I have approached a few studios but not heard back yet and want to start making stuff. John’s Monologue is entered into a couple of Oscar qualifying festivals as that is the goal I am ultimately working towards, for several of my films. Sundance being another and Broadway / London etc.

UPDATE 02 December 2022

Well I still have a rattling cough. But have updated my contact card and the projects I am working on. and Lightning Bolt Films Ltd Projects


Now about 2 thirds done with screenplay for latest epic feature Angevin which I am actively seeking funding and coproduction for. Also converted The Other Mothers to a HETV pilot and a short scrrrnplay and am into Infernal Blood and Chopin.

Completed screenplays mainly developed on The Vanishing Point, Dante and Lizzie and Highgate Post Mortem Highgate the game all looking for coproduction and funding most have either qualified for interim certification and will attract tax refunds if done daily in the EEA. As will stage adaptations and plays.

contact me if interested - Sheba and I are also due on a red carpet at VIFA where John’s Monologue has been selected but struggling to find funding for all we need.


The screenplay for John’s Monologue from The Vampyre Officially Selected for The Best Script Award


Halloween- Nov 2 2022 UPDATE

John’s Monologue has been officially selected for VIFA (The Vienna International Festival Awards) with Jakob in the running for the Best Actor category. Congratulations Jakob and to the team that worked on this.

UPDATE 8/10/2022

Having been ignored by the much of the British film industry and denied access to Cannes, while in Cannes I did Theatremakers Producers Persective 30 Day course which has helped me adapt my screenplays DANTE AND LIZZIE and THE VAMPYRE to theatre also and strengthened my writing.

I have sent the screenplays to a few top 5 studios, and The Vampyre to Martin Scorcese and Timothée Chalamet direct via entertainment lawyer and HIGHGATE - POST MORTEM is entered into Outstanding Screenplays. I have also made a short film with actor Jakob Maximilian and Bajro Alicic of John’s Monologue excerpted from The Vampyre I will be entering this into festivals.

My screenplay THE VANISHING POINT now has a tribute to HM the Queen rather than a cameo and this is entered into TSL’s free competition having listened to some advice and ignored others following it not progressing at The Nichols.

I am actively trying to get all of the above financed and made.

I am also writing AVGEVIN, INFERNAL BlOOD and CHOPIN (stage and screen) and have written a 10 minute play / short called THE OTHER MOTHERS. All of which I am seeking co production and finance for. I am unpaid until I get financed and feeling belittled in The UK so have concurrently applied for work in Nairobi. I badly need both perspective and fresh air.

UPDATE 25/03/2022

I have now completed 3 features a high end tv pilot and outline for several series of High End TV. I have optioned the screenplays to Lightning Bolt Films Ltd - a film company I set up and was incorporated in September to produce them, all films and the TV Series now have letters of comfort from the BFI and I am in the process of early production and seeking to attach actors and secure funds, and attach specific actors.

Many locations are in Set Hero already. I am also now working on developing an idea for a game and working on various theatre ideas and WIP. My Memoir and all my work is copyright and the memoir and 1 screenplay entired into a couple of major competitions in US. For more on the film company please go to or talk to me about other ideas or works in progress.

I am persistently being plagued by thefts of my work, photos, personal and intellectual property. Also my Daughters. I will happily press charges against those responsible for thefts and gaslighting for over a decade. including by corrupt and maladminisrating so called “professionals” within my local authorities.

UPDATE 6/08/2021

Recently I have written two feature film screenplays, am working on a third and a spinoff tv series. I am seeking co producers and significant funding (hundreds of millions) to co / executive produce all both films and the third and the tv series.

I am approaching Actors, Directors and Producers for these which would create lots of jobs and temporary work in the UK, Italy, France and Switzerland. Please feel free to get in touch direct if you want to work with me on these or are interested in investing.

I currently am not paid and cannot afford to pay anyone yet but need fundraisers capable of securing this level of funding, directors at the level of Scorcese, Luc Besson and Amblin and super professional crews that take covid and basic decency seriously. I also need a PA / assistant and will ultimately need others. I am trying for a good Hollywood movie rather than the BBC.

More To Follow... there are other examples of my work on meanwhile though this site seems to auto delete stuff and I don’t like censorship so if someone wants to help me super cheaply migrate all content here but keep my domains and add alexcabrini and Victoria Quin-Harkin that would be great.


Official Poster for John’s Monologue

Still horribly behind and understaffed bu John’s Monologue got Officially Selected for the Avignon International Film Festival and Jakob won best actor in the Marché de Film for March.

In Febeury my short screenplay The World Service excepted from my fourth feature adaptation from my memoir Manners for The Modern Memsahib Antipasti was Officially Selected for the Best Script Awards.


EDIT 3rd Nov 2023

I am horribly behind with updatesto social media but here is a list of projects completed:

Epic Feature Screenplays:

Dante and Lizzie, The Vampyre, “Laurent”, (with theatrical adaptations and outline for 1inked YA series with potential for 2nd, plus outline for computer game.)

The Vanishing Point


Sang Infernal (Infernal Blood - potential for sequel and /or TV series and YA picture book).


Manners for The Modern Memsahib - Tales of Poetry and Swearing:

Wallet Vampire

Drama Queen / Betrayal



Likely to be 6 features plus completed book manuscript

WIP Chance Encounters update from memoir Feb 2024 Oh yeah and I’ve outlined 2 Martial Arts movies - one a rom com - White Belt and Generational and written The Camellia House - a ballet that I want to do as a high-end short with a professional ballet company and choreography.

I’m also working on some private poetry projects.

New Screenplay - Madame Cyn’s Luncheon Voucher

Short film:

John’s Monologue currently entered a few festivals

Poetry and anthologies and lyrics

Short Stories Joy, The Vanishing Point, Inky, A fairy story

Short Film Screenplays

The Other Mothers ( with super short and adapted for TV pilot and series outlined

The World Service - excerpt from Antipasti

Several Others.

Theatrical several scripts.