"Unbroadcast" A 2009 Documentary on the LRA
The documentary I made in 2009 on the LRA.
The LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) are a rebel group led by Joseph Kony that have been in conflict with the Ugandan army the UPDF (Uganda People's Defence Force) and several others for at this point over two decades. The group are infamous for abducting childen and for their brutality.
Having previously lived and worked as a freelance independent international photographer and journalist in Kenya, and reported on some of the issues in the region and surrounding this conflict since 2000 in News Africa, The Hague Appeal For Peace Newsletter and more recently on City University’s MA International Journalism radio program International Perspectives in 2009 I travelled to Northern Uganda to interview some of those who have been directly involved in the conflict which I did an MA thesis and dissertation on.
I was aiming it at the BBC who had asked me to edit together a version for them but who then did not want to broadcast it. This is that version.
All the translations were cross translated carefully by native speakers of differing tribal backgrounds in the field and they are voiced in English here by local people from Gulu. Some of the names have been changed to protect the identity of the interviewee and dependent children at the time. I retain my copyright and this work may not be broadcast without consent.
Victoria Luckie MA (I have returned to my former surname of Quin-Harkin)
I founded Alex Cabrini photography in Kenya in 2002. I use the name Alex Cabrini as Alexandra Cabrini are my middle names. I have just returned to my maiden name of Victoria A C Quin-Harkin from my married name of Victoria Luckie a long time after separating from Wanje Luckie in 2010 I did my MA under Victoria Luckie, under which I have also been published.
I have an MA in International Journalism (broadcast with merit) from London's City University where I specialised in conflict. My thesis documentary was on the LRA and post conflict Uganda. My dissertation Is called Lies, Damed Lies and Statistics and is about reporting on Africa and the LRA in particular.
I studied photojournalism in 1998 at The London School of Photojournalism and had previously worked in print journalism and photojournalism in the UK, Europe and Africa. I have also worked in other careers including freelance as a marketing consultant and creative. There are examples of my work on this site. I also write poetry and short stories and have written a memoir which needs editing. I have recently written two screenplays for feature films which I am seeking serious funding and Co Producers and distrinbution for. As well as for a short film and Theatre.
The contents of this site are my copyright.
I have recently written twelve and a half epic feature film screenplays two of with are a trilogy with a spinoff tv series. I am seeking co producers and significant funding (hundreds of millions) to co / executive produce all films and two to three tv series. I am approaching Actors, Directors and Producers for these which would create lots of jobs and temporary work in the UK, Italy, France and Switzerland and elsewhere. Please feel free to get in touch direct if you want to work with me on these or are interested in investing. I currently am not paid and cannot afford to pay anyone yet but need fundraisers capable of securing this level of funding, directors at the level of Scorcese, Luc Besson and Amblin and super professional crews that take covid and basic decency seriously.
I also need a or several PA / assistants and will ultimately need others. I am trying for a good Hollywood movie rather than the BBC though the latter might work for The Other Mothers. I don’t have time to regularly update my site. But details are in the updates section.